About the 2024 Census Test

Statistics Canada conducted a census test to evaluate the new and modified questions in the questionnaire as well as the collection procedures and tools in preparation for the 2026 Census of Population and the 2026 Census of Agriculture.

Testing ensures that quality data are available in 2026 to support decision-making across a wide range of services and programs in areas such as employment, education, public transportation and health care.

Census of Population

A sample of dwellings in specific locations across Canada was selected to participate in this census test.

Participation in the 2024 Census of Population Test was mandatory. Since accuracy depends on complete information, each household selected to participate in this test must, by law, provide the information.

Answers are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and are kept strictly confidential.

Census of Agriculture

A sample of farms or agricultural operations across Canada was selected to participate in the test.

The 2024 Census of Agriculture Test was conducted on a voluntary basis. It relied on the responses of farmers across Canada to assess their understanding of the questionnaire content. The information provided will be carefully reviewed and will help Statistics Canada ensure that the 2026 Census of Agriculture questionnaire is easily understood by and beneficial to all data users.

Protecting your privacy

Statistics Canada places the highest priority on protecting the confidentiality of personal and confidential information. For more information on the confidentiality and protection of your personal information, check out Protecting your privacy.

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